Awards given at the Sixth Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology, June 2023
Career Achievement Awards:
Dr. Martin Ralph
5 minute talks:
Group A:
Jenna Gearey
Group B:
Dr. Robert Lakin
Group C:
Dr. Sarah Ferraro
Hailey Gowdy
10 Minute talks:
Group A:
Katelyn Horsley (1st prize)
Turner Silverthorne (2nd prize)
Cassandra Goldfarb (2nd prize)
Group B:
Molly Crandall (1st prize)
Rafael Perez (2nd prize)
Kathyani Parasram (3rd prize)
Group C:
Vina Li (1st prize)
Shahd Hadad (2nd prize)
Eli Moser (3rd prize)
Top: Left to right- Jenna Gearey, Katelyn Horsley, Dr. Michael Antle, Dr. Phillip Kaprowicz, Shahd Hadad, Kathyani Parasram.
Bottom: Left to right- Dr. Robert Lakin, Turner Silverthorne, Dr. Adam Stinchcombe, Cassandra Goldfarb.
CSC travel awards for trainee members attending SRBR 2022
Shashank Srikanta
Altered Light Responses in Mice Lacking the Circadian Deubiquitinase USP2
An Qi Zhang
A Mathematical Model of Striatal Extracellular Dopamine Regulation in the Production of Ultradian Rhythms
Patricia Blakely
A Mathematical Model of Striatal Extracellular Dopamine Regulation in the Production of Ultradian Rhythms
Awards given at the Fifth Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology, June 2021
Career Achievement Awards:
Rae Silver
Benjamin Rusak
Junior PI award:
Ruifeng Cao
Short talks:
Sarah Ferraro (1st prize)
Tara Delorme (2nd prize)
Zainab Taleb (3d prize)
Andrea Smit (1st prize)
Neus Ballester (2nd prize)
Kyle Stokes (3rd prize)
Awards given at the Fourth Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology, May 2019
Oral Presentations
Kathyani Parasram (1st prize)
Green Guts: Development of Circadian Rhythms in the Drosophila Intenstine
Claire Gizowski (2nd prize)
Neural mechanisms linking hypernatremia to circadian time
Cristine Reitz (3rd prize)
Circadian Medicine: How Circadian Rhythms and Sleep Underlie Heart Health and Healing from Cardiovascular Disease
Poster Presentations
Population/behaviour category:
Rackeb Tesfaye
A gene first approach to understanding sleep problems in autism
Physiology/Neuroscience category:
Priya Mistry
CLOCK Influences Gut Microbiome and Heart Failure Outcomes in Mice
Molecular/Cellular category:
Hannah de los Santos
The PAICE Suite: Using Extended Harmonic Oscillators to Identify and Understand Circadian Rhythms in Large Datasets
CSC Excellence Awards for PIs
This year marked the introduction of the Junior Investigator Award and the Career Achievement Award, which underline the research excellence and other contributions of their recipients.
The 2019 CSC Career Achievement Award: Dr. Marie Dumont, Université de Montréal
The 2019 CSC Junior Investigator Award: Phillip Karpowicz, University of Windsor
Trainee Merit awardees.
From left to right: Hannah de los Santos, Rackeb Tesfaye, Priya Mistry, Nicolas Cermakian, Cristine Reitz, Claire Gizowski, Kathyani Parasram.
CSC Junior investigator Award
Left to right: Nicolas Cermakian, Phillip Karpowicz
CSC Career Achievement Award
Left to right: Nicolas Cermakian, Marie Dumont
2018 CSC Travel Fellowships
The following CSC trainee members were selected to receive a CSC travel award to attend the 2018 conference of the Society of Research on Biological Rhythms, at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort, May 12-16, 2018. These were awarded on the basis of the merit of the abstract they submitted for the SRBR conference. The awardees are:
Andrea Smit, Simon Fraser University (Laboratory of Dr. Ralph Mistlberger) for her presentation entitled: "Sleep with and without access to Artificial Light on Tanna Island, Vanuatu"
Kathyani Parasram, University of Windsor (Laboratory of Dr. Philip Karpowicz) for her presentation entitled: "Single-Cell Analysis of Circadian Clock Activity in the Drosophila Intestine"
Jhenkruthi Vijaya Shankara, University of Calgary (Laboratory of Dr. Michael Antle) for her presentation entitled: "Characterization of Circadian Behaviour in the BTBR Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder"
Congratulations to all awardees!
2016 CSC Travel Fellowships
The following CSC trainee members were selected to receive a CSC travel award to attend the Third conference of the Canadian Society of Chornobiology, at York University, Toronto, May 19-21, 2017. These were awarded on the basis of the merit of the abstract they submitted for the CSC conference. The awardees are:
Lalanthi Ratnayake, York University (Laboratory of Dr. Patricia Lakin-Thomas) for her presentation entitled: "Circadian Rhythms in Neurospora Crassa Are Regulated by a Component of a Conserved Nutrient-Sensing Pathway"
Jeff Anyan, Concordia University (Laboratory of Dr. Shimon Amir) for his presentation entitled: "Individual Differences in the Rate of Re-Entrainment to a Phase Advance Predict Anxiety and Depression-Like Behavior"
Congratulations to both awardees!
2014 CSC Travel Fellowships
The following CSC trainee members were selected to receive a CSC travel award to attend the 2014 conference of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, at Big Sky Resort, MO, June 14-18, 2014. These were awarded on the basis of the merit of the abstract they submitted for the SRBR conference. The awardees are:
Victoria Smith, University of Calgary (Laboratory of Dr. Michael Antle) for her presentation entitled: "Serotonergic enhancement of photic phase shifts: BMY7378 does not require the serotonergic fibers connecting the median raphe nucleus to the suprachiasmatic nucleus"
Marie-Amélie Lukaszewski, Saint-Justine Hospital, Montreal (Laboratory of Dr. Anne-Monique Nuyt) for her presentation entitled: "Effects of neonatal transient high oxygen exposure on circadian regulation of energy metabolism of adult male rats"
Congratulations to both awardees!
Merit Awards of the Third Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology, May 2017
Congratulations to the trainees who won a prize at the conference for the quality of their presentation!
Oral: Kent, Brianne, University of British Columbia "Phenotyping sleep and circadian rhythms in the APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease"
Oral: Koshy, Anna, McGill University "Impact of night work on peripheral clocks in shift workers"
Oral: Shankara, Jhenkruthi, University of Calgary "Characterization of circadian behaviour in the BTBR mouse model of autism spectrum disorder"
Poster: Petersson, Anna, University of Toronto "Glutamate transmission affects period of the methamphetamine-sensitive circadian oscillation (MASCO) in mice"
Poster: Reitz, Cristine, University of Guelph "The circadian factor, CLOCK, regulates cardio-metabolic adaptations to diet-induced cardiovascular disease"
Poster: Gonzales, Fernando, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, McGill University "Diurnal variation of psychomotor performance of police officers on patrol"
Poster: Duong, Austin, University of Guelph "The role of the circadian system in neuron morphology and behavioural responses following myocardial infarction"
Merit Awards of the Second Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology, May 2015
Congratulations to the trainees who won a prize at the conference for the quality of their presentation!
Oral: Kiessling, Silke, McGill University "Activating circadian clock function in cancer cells inhibits tumor growth"
Oral: Cao, Ruifeng, McGill University "Light-regulated translational control of circadian behavior by eIF4E phosphorylation "
Oral: Gizowski, Claire, Res. Inst. of the McGill University Health Centre, McGill University "Vasopressin mediates clock-dependent control of thirst neurons in rats"
Poster: Alibhai, Faisal, University of Guelph "Circadian Clock Disruption Causes MicroRNA Dysregulation and Leads to Dilated Cardiomyopathy in CLOCK Mutant Mice"
Poster: Smit, Andrea, Simon Fraser University "Pilot Study: Chronotype and time of day differences in visual processing using the Event Related Potential Technique"
Poster: Opiol, Hanna, Concordia University "The effects of amphetamine sensitization on circadian food entrainment and vice-versa"
Merit Awards of the First Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology, May 2013
Congratulations to the trainees who won a prize at the conference for the quality of their presentation!
Oral Post-doc: Cuesta, Marc, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC "Differential responses of peripheral and central circadian oscillators to glucocorticoids in humans"
Oral Student: Al-Safadi, Sherin, Concordia University, Montreal, QC "Stress-induced PER1 expression in the rat limbic forebrain and hypothalamus"
Poster Behaviour: Atallah, Jade, University of Toronto at Mississauga, Mississauga, ON "Genes underlying social influence on Drosophila melanogaster clock"
Poster Human: Grundy, Anne, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON "Shift work, circadian gene variants and risk of breast cancer"
Poster Neurosciences: Ling, Harrod, University of Toronto at Mississauga, Mississauga, ON "Characterization of Ubiquitin Ligase UBR4 in the murine suprachiasmatic nucleus"
Poster Physiology: Fortier, Erin, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC "Circadian control of response to immunization"
Award winners, First Conference of the CSC, Toronto, 2013. From left to right: Jade Atallah, Erin Fortier, Marc Cuesta, Harrod Ling, Joel Levine (Chair), Anne Grundy, Sherin Al-Safadi, Nicolas Cermakian (Vice-Chair; CSC President).
© Canadian Society for Chronobiology 2023