Upcoming Events
The Seventh Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology
Please join us for CSC 2025, the Seventh Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology!
May 25th - 27th, 2025
Centre hopitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM)
It is a pleasure to invite you to Montreal, at the CHUM, for the Conference Chronobiology: from the Cell to Medicine and Society that will take place between May 25 and 27, 2025. This Conference is mainly sponsored by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Réseau sommeil, the Canadian Society for Chronobiology (CSC), and the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (SRBR).
Scientific program overview (see attachment for complete preliminary program):
All dimensions of biological rhythms will be covered during the meeting, including novel discoveries related to the sleep/wake cycle in a diversity of organisms. Highlights related to the relevance of biological rhythms in health and diseases will also be featured with themes related to precision health, mental health, cancer, and immunology.
Some confirmed speakers are:
Amita Sehgal, University of Pennsylvania
Colleen A. McClung, University of Pittsburgh
Christina Schmidt, Université de Liège
Annie Vallières, Université Laval
John Hogenesch, Cincinnati Children's
David Morse, Université de Montréal
Ilia Karatsoreos, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Paul Franken, Université de Lausanne
Ralph Mistlberger, Simon Fraser University
Laura A. Solt, The Scripps Research Institute
Numerous talks and posters will be selected from submitted abstracts.
Some of the special events:
A Trainee Day organized by trainees and for trainees on May 25.
Public lectures in French (about shiftwork) and English (about Daylight saving time) on May 25.
A healthy discovery walk to the Old Port of Montreal on May 26.
A not-to-miss banquet hosted by a typical old Montreal establishment on May 27.
Program committee:
Valérie Mongrain, Université de Montréal (Chair)
Petronela Ancuta, Université de Montréal (Co-chair)
Diane B. Boivin, McGill University (Co-chair)
Roelof Hut, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
Kazue Semba, Dalhousie University
Éric Paquet, Université Laval
Ruifeng Cao, Rutgers University (USA)
Trainee program committee:
Tanya Leduc, Université de Montréal (Chair)
Cassandra Goldfarb, Concordia University (Co-chair)
Jonathan Dias, Université de Montréal
Katelyn Horsley, University of Calgary
Call for registration and abstracts:
Open until March 5th 2025, visit https://event.fourwaves.com/scc-csc-2025/pages'
CSC membership:
All members benefitting from reduced registration fees and all student/postdoc fellow members will be allowed to apply for travel fellowships and be eligible for presentation awards. Become a member via http://www.chronobiocanada.com/members
Past Events
The Sixth Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology
(June 14th-15th, 2023)
Dr. Satchin Panda- Timing of diet, sleep, and exercise to optimize heart health. (Distinguished Public Lecture)
Dr. Frank Scheer- It’s about time to eat your heart out! The human circadian system and meal timing cardiometabolic health. (Nicholas Mrosovsky Keynote Lecture)
Dr. Satchin Panda- Pleiotropic effects of time restricted feeding on multiple organs – from molecules to phenotypes.
Dr. Frank Scheer- Impact of the human circadian system & circadian misalignment on cardiovascular function.
Dr. Diane Boivin- Sex matters in rhythms.
Dr. Martin E. Young- Circadian considerations for optimizing cardiovascular health.
Dr. Mary Harrington- Recording of bioluminescent rhythms from peripheral clocks: system properties following SCN ablation.
Dr. Tobias Eckle- From bench to bedside: circadian principles applied.
Dr. Patricia Lakin-Thomas- The TOR (Target of Rapamycin) pathway and circadian rhythmicity in Neurospora crassa.
CSC 2023 Organizing Committee
Faculty Members: Tami Martino (Chair), Deniz Top, Giannina Descalzi, Lorrie Kirshenbaum, Inna Rabinovich-Nikitin
Trainee Members: Janan Shoja-Doost, Cassandra Goldfarb, Reza Shojaei, Mahtab Moshirpour
The Fifth Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology
(June 14th-15th, 2021)
The "Main" Conference CSC 2021 was held virtually on June 14th-15th 2021.
Below, a group picture of attendees of the “main event” of CSC 2021, on June 14-15!
The Fourth Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology (May 26th-28th, 2019)
The Fourth Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology took place at McGill University in Montreal in May 2019. This was our largest meeting yet, with 142 attendees from across Canada and other international locations!
Group photo, Fourth Conference of the CSC, Montreal, May 2019
Group walk on Mount Royal, Montreal, May 2019
The new CSC Board of Directors.
From left to right: Nicolas Cermakian, Florian Storch, Rae Silver, Michael Antle, Mary Cheng, Andrea Smit, Patricia Lakin-Thomas, Sarah Ferraro.
Third Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology (May 19-21, 2017).
The Third Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology took place at York University in Toronto in May 2017.
Group Photo, Third Conference of the CSC, Toronto, May 2017
Second Conference for the Canadian Society for Chronobiology (May 29-31, 2015).
The Second Conference for the Canadian Society for Chronobiology took place at University of Concordia in Montreal in May 2015. There were over 80 attendees from across Canada as well as international speakers.
Group Photo, Second Conference of the CSC, Montreal, May 2015
Poster and oral presentation awardees
From left to right: Andrea Smit, Hanna Opiol, Michael Antle (Program Chair), Faisal Alibhai (1st prize for posters), Claire Gizowski, Ruifeng Cao, Silke Kiessling (1st prize for talks)
Tribute to Mrosovsky
During this conference, a tribute to Nicholas Mrosovsky was presented. Dr. Mrosovsky, who passed away this year, was a pionneer of chronobiology in Canada. Patrica Lakin-Thomas gathered archive documents and testimonies of people who knew Nicholas Morosovsky, and she prepared a video, presented at the meeting, and which can be viewed below. Thank you Nicholas for inspiring us in our research and thank you Pat for putting together this great document!
First Conference for the Canadian Society for Chronobiology (May 24-26, 2013)
The First Conference for the Canadian Society for Chronobiology took place at University of Toronto in May 2013. There were over 100 attendees from across Canada as well as international speakers.
You want to see more pictures from the conference? Check out our Photo Album !
CSC Conference Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee
From left to right: Harrod Ling, Danica Patton, Tami Martino, Jade Atallah, Ralph Mistlberger, Elena Tsimakouridze, Joel Levine (Chair — in the back), Nicolas Cermakian (Vice-Chair, CSC President — in the front), Becki Rooke, Florian Storch,
Not in the picture: Haiying Mary Cheng.
© Canadian Society for Chronobiology 2023